A pirate ship with a set of blocks. Ship made with attention to details (rudder, sides, cabin, stork’s nest, pirate graphic elements). The bricks that come with the set include stickers of sea animals. The colors of the toy attract attention.
Package: box
Package dimensions: 54x15x37cm
Toy dimensions after folding: 60x19x40cm
Age: 12m +
Pirate Ship & Blocks, 30 pcs (box) (4810344062246)
A pirate ship with a set of blocks. Ship made with attention to details (rudder, sides, cabin, stork’s nest, pirate graphic elements). The bricks that come with the set include stickers of sea animals. The colors of the toy attract attention.
Package: box
Package dimensions: 54x15x37cm
Toy dimensions after folding: 60x19x40cm
Age: 12m +
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