A novelty from the well-known Belarusian toy manufacturer Polesie is a series of tricycles for children from 2 years old, produced under the Spanish export trademark Coloma Y Pastor. Tricycle Baby Trike (Polesie) art. 46734 is equipped with a sound bar that will entertain the baby during the walk. The seat belt will not allow the baby to quickly get off the vehicle. Impact resistant plastic frame.
Baby Trike w. sound and straps (4810344046734)
A novelty from the well-known Belarusian toy manufacturer Polesie is a series of tricycles for children from 2 years old, produced under the Spanish export trademark Coloma Y Pastor. Tricycle Baby Trike (Polesie) art. 46734 is equipped with a sound bar that will entertain the baby during the walk. The seat belt will not allow the baby to quickly get off the vehicle. Impact resistant plastic frame.
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